Quantum Fluids of Light
course held at CQT, NUS, Singapore
February 2012
- lecture 1: Light as a
fluid? Review of Bose-Einstein condensation.
- lecture 2: Photons in
planar cavities: from Maxwell equations to a generalized
driven-dissipative 2D Gross-Pitaevskii equation.
- lecture 3: Static
properties of photon fluids under different pumping schemes.
- lecture 4-5: Quantum and
superfluid hydrodynamics of photon fluids. Bogoliubov theory of small
perturbations. Analogies and differences with ultracold atoms and liquid
helium. Topological excitations: solitons and vortices. Review of
- lecture 6: Brief excursion into
the world of strongly correlated photon fluids.