New trends in Bose-Einstein condensation
course held at ETH Zürich
winter semester 2008-09
Lecture notes:
- lecture 1: The BEC transition in a
- lecture 2: The BEC transition in a
harmonically trapped gas
- lecture 3: Mean-field theory
of the
BEC. Static properties. Addenda.
- lecture 4: Mean-field theory
of the
BEC. Dynamics.
- lecture 5: The phase of a
- lecture 6: Bogoliubov theory
of low-temperature, dilute Bose
gases. Addenda.
- lecture 7: Response of a BEC
to weak perturbations. Superfluidity properties. Addenda.
- lecture 8: An excursions
into the world of strong interactions: Tonks-Girardeau gas.
- lecture 9 (part a) and (part b): Non-equilibrium
Bose-Einstein condensation and lasing.