Moodle page of the course
Lecture notes:
lecture 1: Maxwell equations and wave propagation
lecture 2:
Waveguides and cavities.
lecture 2bis: propagation of
wavepacket across a Fabry-Perot cavity
lecture 2ter: real-time
description of field evolution in FP
lecture 2quater: more on
the mass of the photon in a cavity or in a waveguide
lecture 3:
Radiation and scattering
3bis: optical density of 2D atomic sheet
lecture 4: Optical properties
of two-level atoms: semiclassical theory
lecture 4bis: more on the
Rotating-Wave approximation
lecture 6: The laser
lecture 7: Quantization of the electromagnetic field
lecture 8: States of the
quantum e.m. field: single photons vs. coherent states. Spontaneous
lecture 8bis: the
wavefunction of a spontaneously emitted photon. Comparison with
coherent fields.
lecture 9: Statistical properties of radiation. Photodetection signals and coherence.
lecture 10: Atom and photons in a cavity. Generation of entangled states of light and matter.
Extra topics:
Open Quantum Systems by Alberto Biella (Pitaevskii BEC Center): Lecture notes; slides 1 and 2.
Optomechanics by Gianluca Rastelli (Pitaevskii BEC Center): Slides.
Theoretical exercises of this year:
Exercises from previous years (for individual training)
exercise 4: The collective excitation modes of a VCSEL planar laser. Solution
Past experimental exercises:
experimental exercise 1: Building a physical theory.
Topics likely to be not covered this year: